nanavati associates
Advocates, Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys


Nirav Joshi

Nirav Joshi, Advocate

I, Nirav A. Joshi was born on 23-08-1966. I obtained degree in B. Com. in the year 1989 from Gujarat University.
I did his LL. B. Examnation in the year 1997
I was enrolled with the Bar Council of Gujarat from April, 1999.

Thereafter I worked with Mr. Sanjay A. Mehta and attended various matters in city civil Court, Consumer Forum,
Consumer Commission, Railway Claims Tribunal, Ahmedabad (Rural) Ciourt, DRT and also attended cases at Vadodara, Bhavnagar, Gandhinagar, Kalol etc.

My area of practice: Labour and Industrial Law and other allied matters.
Labour and Industrial Law and other allied matters.

Gujarat, India

EDUCATION from Gujarat University,
LL.B. in 1997 from Gujarat University